In 1950s, has become a “world aviation official supplier” Breitling replica completed the new challenge another professional tabulation field — the conquest of the depth of the ocean. In 1957, the famous “Superocean” watch Breitling SuperOcean replica birth. This professional diving watch is equipped with super clear and readable dial, shockproof glass table mirror, and waterproof depth of up to 200 meters (660 feet) of the single body watchcase, which were then the leading tabulation technology. The watch was originally designed for professional and military divers, especially divers of the special forces. However, with the increasing popularity of diving, the advent of replica watches soon became the new favorite of the masses, and led a series of super marine watches of the new.

Over the years, each a SuperOcean watch for excellent watchmaking technology leader, won numerous praise, forever. Waterproof depth of 500 meters, 1000 meters, or even 1500 meters. Now, again with the innovative Breitling replica watches watchmaking skills to launch the new SuperOcean series (Superocean), add new impetus to the legendary series.

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